Minifab Command Examples – The


MiniFab is a utility tool developed by the Hyperledger Labs project that streamlines the setup and deployment process of Hyperledger Fabric networks. Hyperledger Fabric is a popular blockchain framework for building distributed ledger applications and networks.

Here are the key aspects and features of MiniFab:

  • automatic setup: MiniFab automates the setup process of Hyperledger Fabric networks, simplifying the deployment and configuration tasks required to build a functional blockchain network. This automation helps users save time and effort by reducing manual intervention and potential errors.
  • deployment automation: MiniFab automates the deployment of Hyperledger Fabric network components, including peers, orderers, channels, and chaincode. It streamlines the deployment process, ensuring that all necessary components are correctly configured and connected to create a functioning blockchain network.
  • configuration managementMiniFab: MiniFab provides tools to manage the configuration of Hyperledger Fabric networks. Users can specify network parameters, such as the number of peers, orderer nodes, and channels, as well as customize cryptographic settings and consensus algorithms according to their needs.
  • testing and development:MiniFab is particularly useful for testing and development purposes, allowing developers to quickly spin up Hyperledger Fabric networks for experimentation, prototyping, and debugging. Its automated setup and deployment capabilities streamline the development workflow, enabling rapid iteration and testing of blockchain applications.
  • Modularity and extensibility: MiniFab is designed to be modular and extensible, allowing users to customize and extend its functionality as needed. It provides hooks and interfaces for integration with external tools, plugins, and scripts, enabling users to tailor the deployment process to their specific use cases and requirements.
  • Documentation and Community:MiniFab is supported by extensive documentation and an active community of users and contributors. The project's GitHub repository provides resources, tutorials, and examples to help users get started with MiniFab and leverage its features effectively.
  • open source:MiniFab is open-source software released under the Apache License 2.0, which means its source code is freely available for anyone to inspect, modify, and redistribute. It fosters collaboration and encourages contributions from the community to improve and expand the capabilities of MiniFab.

minifab command example

1. Bring up the default Hyperledger Fabric network:

# minifab up -i [minifab_version]

2. Bring down the Hyperledger Fabric network:

3. Install chaincode on a specified channel:

# minifab install -n [chaincode_name]

4. Install a specific chaincode version on a channel:

# minifab install -n [chaincode_name] -v [chaincode_version]

5. Initialize the chaincode after installation/upgrade:

# minifab approve,commit,initialize,discover

6. Invoke a chaincode method with specified arguments:

# minifab invoke -n [chaincode_name] -p '"[method_name]", "[arg0]", "[arg1]", ...'

7. Ask a question on bookkeeping:

# minifab blockquery [block_number]

8. Run an application instantly:

# minifab apprun -l [app_programming_langauge]


Overall, MiniFab is a valuable tool for automating the setup and deployment of Hyperledger Fabric networks, providing users with a convenient and efficient way to create and manage blockchain networks for test, development, and production use. Its automation capabilities, configurability, and extensibility make it a useful asset for blockchain developers and administrators working with Hyperledger Fabric.

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By Ranjan