firewall-offline-cmd command example in Linux – The


firewall-offline-cmd is an offline command-line client of the firewall daemon. This should only be used when the Firewall service is not running. A port can be added or removed through firewall-offline-cmd in case the firewall is not active.

firewall-offline-cmd command example

1. To add a port:

# firewall-offline-cmd --port=XXXX:tcp

2. To remove a port:

# firewall-offline-cmd --remove-port=XXXX/tcp

3. If no zone is defined, the port will be added to the default zone. To add a port to a specific region:

# firewall-offline-cmd --zone=[zone-name] --add-port=XXXX/tcp

4. To remove a port from a specific region:

# firewall-offline-cmd --zone=[zone-name] --remove-port=XXXX/tcp

Since the port is connected [zone-name]In the .xml file, the port will remain associated even after enabling or reloading the Firewall service.

5. To list all ports under a particular region:

# firewall-offline-cmd --zone=[zone-name] --list-all

6. To list all ports under all regions:

# firewall-offline-cmd --list-all

Comment:Replace XXXX with the actual port number.

See the man page for more information on firewall-offline-cmd.

$ man firewall-offline-cmd

Before running any of the above commands, make sure that the Firewall service is offline. Changes to the firewall configuration using the firewall-offline-cmd command should be made only when the firewall service is offline.

# systemctl status firewalld
● firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)
     Docs: man:firewalld(1)

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By Ranjan