How to Fix “Broken Pipe” Error in Linux

In Linux, “broken pipe” is an error that results from package installation-related problems. The “pipe” command lets you connect multiple processes so that the output of the first process is returned as input to the second.

The term “broken pipe” often denotes that the pipe cannot be read or written by a single process. This may happen because one of those processes exited the pipe prematurely or the user typed “|” Has been misused. Character. If this error also occurs on your system, then this tutorial is for you. Here, we will explain ways to resolve “broken pipe” error in Linux.

How to Fix “Broken Pipe” Error in Linux

The “Broken Pipe” error indicates that the process of writing data to the pipe has become terminal. This “broken pipe” error usually occurs for several reasons including the following:

  • premature process termination
  • This process can ignore SIGPIPE signals
  • Small buffer size to handle data
  • Multiple processes on the same pipe
  • limited resources

1. Simple approach

If you are facing any error while executing the script, you can check it by running the following command:

As the previous image shows, the output is non-zero which is a “broken pipe” error. In this case, you can use the “trap” command to handle the error as it cleans up when a “broken pipe” error occurs.

trap 'echo “Broken pipe error occurred”; cleanup_function' sigpipe

The previous command contains SIGPIPE which is used to handle SIGPIPE signals and “broken pipe” errors. Once you're done, run the following command again to check if the error is resolved:

As the previous image shows, the output is zero which means the script has been executed without any errors.

2. Buffer size

To check the current buffer size, you can run the following command in the terminal:

As the output defines, the buffer size is unlimited. If you don't get the same output, run the following command:


Thus you can easily resolve “Broken Pipe” error in Linux by following some simple steps. We've included a method to check if the error occurs and a handy command to resolve it. Also, we recommend you to check the buffer size correctly. Otherwise, you may encounter errors while performing other processes.

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By Ranjan