Kitex Command Examples – The


Kitex is a code generation tool that comes with the Go RPC (Remote Procedure Call) framework known as Kitex. It is designed to streamline the development process by automating the generation of code based on Interface Definition Languages ​​(IDLs) such as Thrift and Protocol Buffers (Protobuf). Additionally, Kitex supports structuring server-side projects, helping developers start their projects with the necessary boilerplate code.

Here's a more detailed description of Kitex's features and functionality:

  • code generationKitex simplifies the process of generating boilerplate code for RPC services by automatically generating code based on provided IDL files. It accepts both Thrift and Protobuf IDL, allowing developers to choose the language and format that best suits their project needs.
  • Support for Thrift and Protobuf: Thrift and Protobuf are widely used IDLs for defining service contracts and data structures in distributed systems. Kitex integrates seamlessly with these IDLs, enabling developers to define their service APIs and data models and easily generate the corresponding Go code using Thrift or Protobuf.
  • Server-side project skeleton: In addition to code generation, Kitex can structure a server-side project, including directory structure and initial configuration files. This feature speeds up the development process by providing a starting point for building an RPC server, allowing developers to focus on implementing business logic rather than setting up the project infrastructure.
  • Go to RPC FrameworkKitex is built on top of a powerful and efficient RPC framework for Go. It provides features such as connection pooling, request multiplexing, and performance optimization, making it suitable for building high-performance and scalable RPC services.

kitex command example

1. Generate client code when a project is in $GOPATH:

# kitex [path/to/IDL_file.thrift]

2. Generate client code when no project is in $GOPATH:

# kitex -module [] [path/to/IDL_file.thrift]

3. Generate client code with Protobuf IDLE:

# kitex -type protobuf [path/to/IDL_file.proto]

4. Generate Server Code:

# kitex -service [svc_name] [path/to/IDL_file.thrift]


Overall, Kitex simplifies the development of RPC services in Go by automating code generation and providing a framework that handles common challenges in distributed systems. Whether it's creating RPC APIs, defining data structures, or setting up server-side projects, Kitex empowers developers to easily create scalable and reliable services.

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By Ranjan