What are the commands to get properties in PowerShell?


In Powershell, a property is a class member that holds data. Attribute is a characteristic of an object. An object can have many properties such as name, mode, or length. The properties of each object are almost the same. However, these properties have a different set of values. As the value of LastAccessTime property of two objects can always be different.

Quick outline:

What are the commands to get properties in PowerShell?


What are the commands to get properties in PowerShell?

Get Property commands refer to a list of PowerShell commands that get the properties of a specified file, item, or object. Get Property Command Get the properties of the specified item. These commands include get-member, get-item, get-itemproperty, select-object, and get-childitem.

1. Get Member – Gets the properties of an object

The get-member command gets the properties of an item or object. It gets the members, methods and properties of the specified object. The object is specified using inputobject By piping the parameter or object to it. However, to get the properties of the object use -member type Specify parameters and property values.


Here is the syntax of Powershell's get-member command:

[Command/Directory] , received member -Property [Property Value]

Example 1:

This example will yield properties, not methods of using the given object. received member Cmdlet:

receiving process , received member -member type Property

As per the above code:

  • First, specify receiving process order or any other desired order.
  • Then, pipe it on received member Permission.
  • After that, use -member type Specify parameters and Property Values ​​to get only the properties of an item:

Example 2:

Using this display you will get the properties of the specified command received member Cmdlet and Where? Situation:

receiving process , received member , Where?,,.member type -one “Property”,

As per the above code:

  • First receiving process The command has been inserted and delivered to the pipe received member Cmdlet.
  • Then, the Get-Member cmdlet is piped to Where? Situation
  • Where in the situation, member type The property is selected that will find values ​​that are equal to Property Example:

2. Select-Object – Selects objects or properties of objects

The Select-Object command selects objects or properties of an object. It can select a specified number of items, such as using the first five items from the index. -First using parameters and last five -Last Parameters.


This is the syntax of the select-object command:

[Command/Object] , select-object -Property property1, property2, property3


This example will select specified properties of an object using the select-object command:

get-command , select-object -Property Name, version, Source

As per the above code:

  • First, specify get-command cmdlet and then pipe it select-object Permission.
  • After that, use -Property Specify parameters and properties to select and display:

3, get-item – gets items from the given path

The get-item command gets items from the given location. It gets the properties of one item at a time. Unlike the get-content command, the get-item command does not get the contents of the specified item. But, it lists the properties of the item such as its name, mode or length.


Here is the syntax of Powershell's get-item command:

get item -path [Folder Address]


This example will get the item from the given location and also provide its properties:

get item -path C:\Documents\NewFile.txt

As per the mentioned order:

  • First, specify get item Permission.
  • Then, use -path Create a parameter and assign it the path of the item:

4, Get-ItemProperty – Gets the properties of the specified item.

The Get-ItemProperty command gets the properties of the specified item. It gets properties like LastWriteTime, Length and Mode of the specified item.


Here is the syntax of PowerShell's Get-ItemProperty command:

get-itemproperty -path [Item Address]


Get the properties of a single specified item using this example get-itemproperty Permission:

get-itemproperty -path C:\Documents\NewFile.txt

As per the above code:

  • First, specify the Get-ItemProperty command.
  • After that, specify the file path using -path Parameters:

5, Get-ChildItem – Gets child item properties from sub folders

The Get-ChildItem command gets items and child items from specified locations. Subfolders or files are known as child items. It contains item properties like name, mode, length and lastwritetime.


Here is the syntax of PowerShell's Get-ChildItem command:

Get-ChildItem -path [Folder Address]


This example not only gets the child item from the specified location but also displays the item's properties:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Documents\Files

As per the above code:

  • First, mention Get-ChildItem Permission.
  • Then, the folder path is specified using the Get-ChildItem command -Path Parameters:


Property is a piece of information that describes the object. The Powershell Get Property commands are commands that get the properties of an item, file, folder, or object. These commands include get-member, get-item, get-itemproperty, select-object, and get-childitem. Each command gets the properties of either a file or an object.

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By Ranjan