How to disable rpc.quotad service in CentOS/RHEL –


The protocol used by rpc.rquotad is an insecure and obsolete protocol and should be disabled. This security vulnerability is discussed in CVE-1999-9625 and more details can be found in that document. This process may disrupt NFS clients that rely on disk quotas. To avoid problems, schedule a maintenance outage and stop these NFS clients.

For CentOS/RHEL 6 and earlier

1. Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/nfs To get an entry that says RQUOTAD='No'For example:

# fgrep RQUOTAD /etc/sysconfig/nfs
# The below line disables the insecure, obsolete quota protocol used by RQUOTAD

2. Restart the NFS service to activate the changes:

# /sbin/service nfs stop
# /sbin/service nfs start

For CentOS/RHEL 7 and later

CentOS/RHEL 7 and later uses systemd to manage services. The mask operation also prevents root from starting the service:

# /sbin/systemctl stop    rpc-rquotad.service
# /sbin/systemctl disable rpc-rquotad.service
# /sbin/systemctl mask    rpc-rquotad.service

Verify the status of the service and check if the service can be started/restarted.

# /sbin/systemctl restart rpc-rquotad.service
Failed to restart rpc-rquotad.service: Unit is masked.
# /sbin/systemctl status  rpc-rquotad.service
● rpc-rquotad.service
Loaded: masked (/dev/null; bad)
Active: inactive (dead

rpc.rquotad is an insecure and obsolete protocol and should be disabled.

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By Ranjan